An Associates degree ranges from 60 credit hours to 72 credit hours depending upon the program designed by the particular college or university. Most community colleges or universities offer CDA training classes that meet the requirements of the Council for Professional Recognition as well as the Associate Degree. Therefore, CDA training hours being taken at a participating community college or university would meet the criteria for this scholarship. The Associates Degree Scholarship / CDA Training scholarship pays for the majority of the cost towards an Associates Degree in Early Childhood Education / Child Development, or the coursework required to fulfill the CDA training requirements. A travel stipend, release time, and bonus are awarded based on eligibility. Scholarship recipients must commit to remain in their sponsoring program or the field of early childhood education for one year following the completion of their contract. You may be eligible for the Associates Degree / CDA Training Scholarship if you:

  • Work a minimum of 20 hours per week in a licensed center-based, family, or group home setting
  • Earn $29.90 or less per hour
  • Are eligible to receive Michigan in-state student tuition rate
  • Provide evidence that you have applied for financial aid (does not apply to CDA Training)